Short report today of Transient Orca. Guess those Dolphins left the area for a reason. Sounds like thins are quite everywhere. Sometimes it's hard to remember that it is a big ocean.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
June 22:
2 pm The same Three Transient Orca including T002C were found in Whale Pass by Rendezvous Island headed in a North-Easterly direction. A short time later they did a bit of zig zag and started Southward. Garry left them around 3:30 pm close to Hill Island in Sutil Channel with some other whale watching boats. These are the same whales that have been in and around the same general area over a number of weeks now. They appear and disappear every day or so probably into one of the many channels and inlets around and just above Desolation Sound.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys