Have You Seen Any of These?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Feb 27 to Mar 2 Sightings - Orca!

Even with the snow we had, we did have at least one Orca sighting! See the photo below (you might have to click on the the "Display Images" note in your web browser).

This photo originally came to me from the Orca Network, the sightings network recording sightings south of this one. They mostly deal with the south end of Vancouver Island and into the upper US. We keep each other informed in attempts to track the movements of all Whales and Dolphins.
The photo is one from Whidbey artist Rob Schouten  who made a Snow Orca (or Snorca)! on Whidbey Island, WA February 25, 2011
Photo courtesy of and thanks to the inventiveness of
Rob and Victory Lee Schouten

As for the movements of animals: There have been no sightings in the Sunshine Coast of BC unless there is someone who still hasn't passed on the information, but a Gray Whale was seen in the Seattle area on Mar. 1st, so they are on their way onto the BC coast. This month should be the month they arrive, based on historical timeframes, so keep your eyes peeled. They do normally travel along the outer coast of Vancouver Island, but sometimes come into these inside waterways.

As for my regular posting, which is far too regular lately: 
Feb 27 to Mar 2 (Actual, Live, and more Local) Sightings, I have nothing to report, I'm afraid.

Anyone else up to submitting a Snow Whale????