Have You Seen Any of These?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Humpback Whales and Dolphins - few Transients and Dall's

Whales and Dolphins are on the move, and being spotted, in the inside waters of Georgia Strait closer to the mainland. The noise that an earthquake creates is enormous and must be deafeningly loud to them. They would want to have something like a few islands between themselves and the origin of the noise to block some of the sound. By now everyone is aware of the magnitude 7.7 earthquake Occtober 27, 2012 in the Queen Charlotte Islands, now called Haida Gwaii. It was felt as far down the BC coast as Vancouver.
Few Transient Orca reports, but Humpback Whales and Pacific White Sided Dolphins are being spotted more frequently in different locations. A few Dall's Porpoise reports and a link to a YouTube video of a Humpback Whale disentanglement.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

Win a Four Day Three Night Cruise for Two!
For details and more information, follow the links on the main Web site at http://whalesanddolphinsbc.com/ or Direct Click: Support – Enter to Win

Humpback Whales

Humpback BCY027 “Maude”
Tail Flukes
October 28, 2012
Susan MacKay, SG Images

October 28:
At 9.45 am today we sighted a humpback in the Malaspina Strait between Pebble Beach, Powell River and Van Anda, Texada. It was very slowly heading south, taking long dives and showing it's tail fluke. Still in the same area an hour later.
Such a thrill!
Holly Roy and Bob Brooks, Powell River

October 28:
12 pm till around 3 pm Thanks to Holly's (above report) telephone guidance my neighbour Judy and I found the Humpback whale just off Myrtle Rocks in a bit of choppy seas. She stayed in the area resting a fair bit on the surface and working towards shore then back out slowly. Not tremendously active, we were pleased to see those beautiful tail flukes a few times. We left her (yes, a female!) close to Beach Gardens Marina as she turned to head out of the shallows and back towards Myrtle Rocks, just South of Powell River. After checking the photos, I managed to make a positive ID as BCY027 also known as “Maude”. This is a whale I hadn't seen since either 1999 or 2000 so I was excited to see that she's still around, and so close to Powell River! The healed gouges on her left flank resemble marks from a large shark bite – see photo.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

October 27: (report received on 28th)
Around 11 a.m Saturday, while the Powell River sailing club was out racing, a Humpback was spotted near the light on Cyril Rocks south of Blubber Bay close in to Texada Island. The Humpback was heading South, just showing its full back.. strong south east winds but easily spotted in the rain.
Laura Johnson, Powell River

October 25:
8 am Humpback Whale Northbound by Deepwater Bay, off Campbell River.
2 pm Found Two good sized Humpbacks and left them foraging still in Deepwater Bay. They were being very shy, doing long dives.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

Humpback BCY027 “Maude”
Left Flank Shark Bite?
October 28, 2012
Susan MacKay, SG Images

Transient Bigg's Killer Whales – Orca

October 27:
4 pm Just got a report (6:20 pm) from a guy at the fuel dock that 8 to 10 Orca were heading northbound past Discovery Harbour Marina, Campbell River.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 24: (received 25th)
5 pm 4 Transient Orca were Northbound by No Name Creek.
Elvis on Fishing Boat

Pacific White Sided Dolphins

October 28:
10:15 am Dolphins close to commercial fishboats somewhere off Comox. No numbers or direction or response to my radio call.

October 28:
6 pm Just arrived in Horseshoe Bay from Nanaimo on the 3pm ferry.. half way between , the ferry captain came on and told us about large pod of Pacific White Sided Dolphins just ahead.. hundreds! Barely parted for ferry to pass, riding stern waves.. quite a show.. but definitely hundreds of individuals, and they stayed in the same area until we were too far away to see their splash .. very active, circling, breeching, wonderful for those of us on board... what a gift!
Anne Hamilton

October 28:
2:26 pm 10 or so PWS Dolphins in the Raggeds (Copeland Islands, off Lund). Porpoise too.
Gordie Coles, Savary Island / Lund

October 25:
8 am 50 – 60 PWS Dolphins Northbound by Okisollo Channel.
2:45 pm A dozen PWS Dolphins foraging by Howe Island.
4:30 pm A dozen PWS Dolphins milling at the mouth of Okisollo Channel.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 25:
11:52 am Dolphin pod off Boyer island, at least a hundred. Just now. I live on Strachan point road and we see them a lot. They were headed West – for the moment.
Marci Cooper

Pacific White Sided Dolphins
October 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

Dall's Porpoise

October 28:
12:30 pm 10 Dall's Porpoise foraging in Nodales Channel.
3:30 pm 4 Dall's Porpoise in Quathiaski Cove foraging.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

Facebook: WhalesDolphinsBC or http://facebook.com/WhalesDolphinsBC
Facebook has some extra news links posted.
Twitter: WhalesDolphins or http://twitter.com/WhalesDolphins
Tweets for now only when the updated Sightings Report is posted.

Have you seen this story of a Humpback disentanglement?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Transient Orca, Humpback Whale and Dolphins

Transient Orca had stayed hidden for a while, but made an appearance today. A Humpback Whale and some Pacific White Sided Dolphins round out this update.

Facebook: WhalesDolphinsBC or http://facebook.com/WhalesDolphinsBC
      Facebook has some extra news links posted.
Twitter: WhalesDolphins or http://twitter.com/WhalesDolphins
      Tweets for now only when the updated Sightings Report is posted.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

Win a Four Day Three Night Cruise for Two!
For details and more information, follow the links on the main Web site at http://whalesanddolphinsbc.com or Direct Click: Support – Enter to Win

Transient Bigg's Killer Whales

Transient Orca
October, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 24:
11:59 am With the T02C's in Kanish Bay, just above Campbell River, now. They're Northbound. Left them at Granite Point at 12:15 pm.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 22:
4:30 pm or so, Saw what may have been Orca blows or even breaches closer to Comox when I was out for a walk. First time in a while walking with no binoculars!
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale with kelp draped on back
October 22, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 22:
5:02 pm Small Humpback Whale foraging back and forth by Walcan Seafoods, Campbell River. Later: Sent Humpback pics....he was bigger than I thought. He was making big bubbles (something they do to help corral fish prior to lunge feeding – SM) He breached once, but I was far away and just saw the splash. That's how I found him!
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

The dorsal shape is similar to BCY0291, 'KC' which stands for Kelp Creature, and the kelp play is a favourite pastime, but not a conclusive photo ID - SM

Pacific White Sided Dolphins

Pacific White Sided Dolphins
October, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys
October 24:
10 am Had 10 PWS Dolphins Southbound in front of Wai Kai Village (Cape Mudge). Probably running from Transient Orca.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Transient on the Move, Dolphins and Porpoise Sightings

Sightings Update includes a few Transient Orca spotted as well some Pacific White Sided Dolphins and Dall's Porpoise. There was also a large blow seen off Rebecca Rocks, Powell River, but I only saw it the once, so not an official report. Keep your eyes open – they are out there.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

Facebook Page: thanks to some help from Stephen Mohan, is looking better, and to make the typing a little shorter, the link is: http://facebook.com/WhalesDolphinsBC

Twitter: Tweet for now only when the updated Sightings Report is posted. Link is:

Support – Enter to Win a Four DayThree Night Cruise for Two details can be found on the main web site: http://whalesanddolphinsbc.com

Research boat with Transient Orca
Nick Templeman

Transient Bigg's Orca – Killer Whales

October 20:
9 am We had 3 Orca: 1 small male, 1 female and 1 juvenile at Cape Mudge Northbound.
12 pm Talked to a fisherman who said the Orca were Southbound at Seymour Narrows.
4:30 pm On way back from Bute Inlet, found 4 Orca at Race Point, just above Campbell River. 2 Big Fins – looks like T101/102's heading South.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 20:
6:25 pm Multiple blows off Kitty Coleman beach, North of Comox ferry terminal heading towards Campbell River
Stephen Mohan, Powell River

Pacific White Sided Dolphins

Pacific White Sided Dolphins Wake Riding
October 16, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 20:
9:05 am on Saturday October 20 around 50 dolphins (not sure type) swimming in area directly between eastern side of Bowyer Island in Howe Sound and the mainland (North of Vancouver half way to Squamish).
We saw a large whale a few days ago in the distance. Roughly the same spot.
We were out in the boat this past Wednesday and appeared to see the same group slightly south of the island the same distance from shore just north of Horseshoe Bay. They have curved dorsal fins. There could have easily been more than 50.
Scott C. Dorey, West Vancouver

(Thanks very much for the report - it will go into today's update. I would imagine, based on numbers that these would be Pacific White Sided Dolphins. - SM)

October 18:
12:12 pm 3 PWS Dolphins rode the ferry wake a short distance just off the viewpoint in Powell River and continued heading towards Grief Point slowly.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

Dall's Porpoise

October 19:
Day: Had 20 Dall's Porpoise feeding in Nodales – that was it for Cetaceans today.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

Pacific White Sided Dolphins
October 16, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Transient Orca, Dolphins, Humpbacks and Porpoise Sightings

Transient Orca, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Humpback Whales and Dall's Porpoise in today's report. Managed to get radio to work, albeit poorly, in time to hear being called with some of the sightings reports below. Radio died again after three or so hours, so please continue to send emails, text messages or call with sightings reports. Keep your eyes open – and report please!
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

New Support – Enter to Win Page buttons are fixed and now work correctly.
You Could Win a Four Day Cruise for Two!

Other News:
Facebook Page: Whales-and-Dolphins-BC is up and running but needs work.
Twitter: WhalesDolphins is not communicating with the Sightings Reports as expected, so may have delays in Tweets.
Links Page: for Advertisers and Links of Interest is coming soon.

Transient (Bigg's) Killer Whales
Pacific White Sided Dolphins

Transient Orca
October 16, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 17:
12:16 pm A number of Orca of unknown type (assumed to be Transients – SM) off Campbell River this morning Southbound.
Aaron Nagler, Sonora Resort

October 16:
9:13 am 4 – 5 Orca on the East side of Quadra Island just off Heriot Bay. They're about 3 miles NW of Francisco Point (Cape Mudge) headed SW. They're running at about 4 to 5 knots along the Quadra shore towards Cape Mudge.
10:14 am Killer Whales identified as T18, T19, T19B, and T19C.
10:47 am The Orca turned the corner and are now running North up Discover Passage at around 10 or 11 knots! By 11:20 am they were at Race Point, and just a bit above the Narrows there are at least 200 Pacific White Sided Dolphins heading North-West away from the Orca. They're about 1 mile apart from each other!
Ivan on the Western Explorer

October 16:
11:58 am Transient Orca are just passing Separation Head heading North-West. 2 on the Vancouver Island side and the other two mid-channel. Can see the PWS Dolphins ahead of them.
Geordie, Discovery Marine Safaris

Pacific White Sided Dolphins
Note the Orca blow about a mile back!
October 16, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 16:
1 pm Left the Orca at McMullen Point headed North-West. The PWS Dolphins were milling in Kanish Bay.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 16:
3 pm 4 PWS Dolphins by Sophia Islands, Blackney Pass area.
Nick Templeman

Humpback Whales

October 16:
12:25 pm Humpback Whale at the mouth of Okisollo Channel foraging.
Geordie, Discovery Marine Safaris

October 16:
Heard broken transmission just before radio died of a second Humpback Whale believe it was also by Okisollo Channel, but no confirmation from anyone.

October 16:
1:30 pm Left the Humpback Whale Southbound by Deepwater Bay, and report of another Humpback at the mouth of Okisollo Southbound too. Lots of life!
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 16 rec'd:
A mother and calf humpback are hanging out at the bottom end of Troop Pass where it meets Seaforth Channel, just a few km out of Bella Bella. They were heard but not spotted on Oct 9 (by me) and then spotted by another kayaker on Oct 13th. They have been there for several weeks according to local reports.
Vic Gladish

Humpback Whale
October 16, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

Dall's Porpoise

October 17:
Day: Just a few Dall's Porpoise up in Bute Inlet. Was pretty quiet, but had 7 Grizzly Bears though :)
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cetacean Sightings - Humpbacks, Dolphins, Orca, Porpoise

There are a some Cetacean Sightings reports of Humpback Whales, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Harbour Porpoise and a couple of Orca. Fewer tours and a now dead radio, even the few Eco-tour boats out there need to contact me by other means rather than just passing the information over the air waves. The whales and dolphins are out there - Keep Looking!
Apologies for the delayed sightings report....battling computers with updates to the main Whales and Dolphins BC web site and an attempt to get set up on Facebook as well. Any insight into setting up the Facebook page would be helpful! I'm going around in circles with it.
What is new, is the new Support Page which also has information for Volunteers and offers a chance to win a four day, three night cruise for two people.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

Humpback Whale Lunge Feeding Lazily
Showing off long strands of Baleen
Nick Templeman

Humpback Whales

October 13:
1:53 pm Watching one small non-fluking Humpback headed from Wedge Island area to Bold Head, Blackfish Sound. I can also see at least 2 more puffing in the distance off Bold! Make that to 3 or 4 More!
By 2:15 pm: I see over 10 whales now with more down by Flower Island, almost to Blackney Pass, too.
Nick Templeman

October 11:
10:30 am Humpback Whale between Chatham Point and Howe Island, momentarily inbound. I think the same beast has been there for three days now.
Aaron Nagler, Sonora Resort

October 11:
11:35 am Humpback Whale off Orange Point - Campbell River / Discovery Pass area.

Transient (Bigg's) Orca – Killer Whales

October 12:
10:30 am At least two Transient Orca were briefly spotted angling Southbound off the Chatham Point Light.
Cam M.

Transient Orca
October 10, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

Pacific White Sided Dolphins

October 13:
9 am Had around 12 PWS Dolphins heading North by Deepwater Bay.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 12:
8:28 am 75 – 100 PWS Dolphins at the West end of Okisollo Channel.
Aaron Nagler, Sonora Resort

October 11:
10:30 am Water taxi reported heaps of Pacific White Sided Dolphins Southbound by Separation Head, Seymour Narrows.
Aaron Nagler, Sonora Resort

October 11:
10:45 am 10+ PWS Dolphins were off Hernando Island headed towards Baker Pass.
Cam M.

October 11:
12:24 pm 20+ PWS Dolphins on the Vancouver Island side across from Okisollo Channel.
2 pm These same Dolphins were still foraging, but just at the mouth Okisollo Channel.

Pacific White Sided Dolphins
October 10, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

Harbour Porpoise

October 14:
9:08 am Small herd of 5 – 6 Harbour Porpoise foraging close by in Beware Passage, Harbledown Island.
Nick Templeman

has information for Volunteers and offers a chance to 
WIN a four day, three night cruise for two people.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Transient Orca, Dolphins and other Cetacean Sightings

Pacific White Sided Dolphins have been spotted along Georgia Strait including South of Powell River to Savary Island areas which have been devoid of any cetaceans for quite a while. Transient Orca grouped up in large numbers, a couple of Humpback and Dall's Porpoise Sightings and more sightings of the Grey Whales between Saltrey Bay and Earl's Cove.
Cetacean sightings reports were a bit hit and miss over the Canadian Thanksgiving Day long weekend. Reports came in mostly after the fact and covering the whole day, so these listings are not separated by species, but are posted by Day and grouped by report.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

Transient (Bigg's) Killer Whales
October 10, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 10, 2012

8:30 am Large group of PWS Dolphins at Hall Point, Nodales Channel headed to Frederick Arm.
Aaron Nagler, Sonora Resort

12:29 pm Large group of Transient Orca between Bates Beach and Miracle Beach, just above Comox headed North.
Commercial vessel

1:30 p Found the Transients 3 miles South of Miracle Beach. They were moving slowly Northward – great vocals.
Jack Springer, Campbell River Whale Watching

3:40 pm There are now three groups of Transient Orca. I have 13 of them, above Mitlenatch, there are another 5 or so closer towards Cape Mudge and another couple still South of Mitlenatch Island. Lots of breaching and splashing.
3:40 pm Report of 2 Humpback Whales by Kanish Bay too!
Jos Krijnen, Eagle Eye Adventures

3:50 pm 2 Harbour Porpoise Grant's Reef, off Savary Island foraging. At the same time, there were a couple of Dall's Porpoise heading towards Savary Island and som PWS Dolphins appeared to head towards Vancouver island northbound mid strait out from Grant's Reef.
5:30 pm A number (couldn't make out how many for sure) were leaping off the end of Mystery Reef, Savary Island. They were back and forth and I last saw them headed towards Lund.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
5:11 pm Lots of Orca. Many groups just North of Shelter Point. By 5:30 pm they were almost to Cape Mudge Lighthouse now. There's over 20 of them! They went past Wai Kai Village mid-channel. One seal kill so far. Left them at Quathiaski Cove at 6 pm.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

Transient (Bigg's) Killer Whales
October 7, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 9, 2012

9:39 am 75-100 PWS Dolphins off Dent Rapids just splashing around.
10 am 6 Dall's Porpoise by Sonora Point.

10:30 am 100 PWS Dolphins at Horn Bay, Dent Rapids – Milling.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

Day: 2 big pods of PWS Dolphins by Dent Island.
Day: 2 Humpback Whales Chatham Point went for Nodales Channel.
Jos Krijnen, Eagle Eye Adventures

10 am: 150 PWS Dolphins just North of Dent Rapids this morning in glorious golden sunshine!
Aaron Nagler, Sonora Resort

5:20 pm 8 or so PWS Dolphins off Powell River Viewpoint Southbound.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

5:40 pm Humpback Whale in Deepwater Bay.
Aaron Webber, Campbell River Whale Watching

October 8, 2012

9:30 am 200+ PWS Dolphins at Little Dent Island.
5:30 pm Humpback Whale at Separation Head, Discovery Passage.
Jack Springer, Campbell River Whale Watching

Day: Had PWS Dolphins mid Strait Discovery Passage.
Jos Krijnen, Eagle Eye Adventures

4:36 pm Simon is sitting right now off the bottom of Texada Island between Texada and Thormanby with 30+ Transient Orca! They're socializing and having a hoot. No general direction yet. Sounds like and amazing place to be! ID's so far: T101 / T102's, T100's, T124's, T90's, T30's plus others.
Nick Templeman

4 pm 100 PWS Dolphins in Nodales Channel.
4 pm Humpback Whale by Chatham Point Lighthouse to Deepwater Bay, Southbound.

Day: This beautiful evening has a nice Humpback making shallow but vertical and rapid dives inshore of the Chatham pt. light, fluking every second dive- I presume it had found a school of something delicious. And a lovely herd of PWS Dolphins in the western mouth of Nodales channel. And many little groups of Dall's, in Bute, and eastern Nodales, and to the south by Horn pt.
Aaron Nagler, Sonora Resort
All Day Long till 4 pm Large group of PWS Dolphins off Finn Bay – Lund.
Geri Batchelor, Savary Island

Transient (Bigg's) Killer Whales
October 7, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 7, 2012

8:36 am 5 Transient Orca Northbound at Cape Mudge – All small fins. The 5 became 12 Transient Orca by 8:50 am in three different groups – 1 large male
4:19 pm 60 PWS Dolphins by North Rendezvous Islands swimming 15 knots Southbound.
5:48 pm Met up with the 12 Orca by Copper Bluffs slowly Southbound. Includes T101/T102's and others. Left them at 6 pm.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

9:14 am 14 Transient Orca total are Northbound at Quathiaski Cove. T102's and..?
Jack Springer, Campbell River Whale Watching

9:44 am Left the approx. 12 Transient Orca at Steep Island still Northbound and grouped together. There's about 15 PWS Dolphins right on my wake running from the Orca at Steep Island. The Orca had just kill a seal, so were busy.
Jos Krijnen, Eagle Eye Adventures

10 am: Gil took the ferry from Saltery Bay yesterday. Just past Captain’s Island the bridge pointed out a grey whale and a calf. Gil said he only saw the spouts, one large and one small, so couldn’t tell if it was a humpback or a grey, but there was a calf or much smaller whale there. That would have been around 10:00am.
Sherri Wretham, Powell River

10:45 am Grey Whale announced on ferry to Saltery Bay. Just off Captain island.
Allan Knowles, Sechelt

12:30 pm Transient Orca update: Some coming out of Menzies Bay, northbound. Some just above Separation Head also Northbound. Third group...??
2:30 pm Got text that the Orca were at Brown's Bay Southbound, bucking the ebb. And around 5:45 pm they were in Duncan Bay Southbound.
Nick Templeman

6:30 pm I was recently at Pirates Cove Marine Park on DeCourcy Island (Oct 7th) and we saw a Humpback whale moving from the north to the south down Pylades Channel at approximately 630 pm. I took some (bad) photos, but was wondering a) if this information is useful to you and b) if you can identify the individual?
(Yes, very useful, thank you! The photos make it a bit difficult to Identify the whale, but from one distinct mark, I believe it is the one we call “Stripe” - must be headed South for the winter - SM)
Marina Elliott

October 6, 2012
(Rest of the 6th reports are in prior posting)
Rec'd on 7th:
I arrived home at 9 AM today after 3 weeks in Ireland and was thrilled to see about 60 dolphins swim quickly through Lang Bay heading West. What an amazing homecoming!
Michael Stewart, Powell River - South

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Dolphins - Orca - Dolphins - Humpbacks - Dolphins

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!
The weather is phenomenally good and with the calm seas, it's easy to spot any cetaceans. They're just being elusive. Other than the Pacific White Sided Dolphins who have appeared in numbers all over the place, including finally by Powell River, the Transient Orca have made stealthy moves, but were viewed briefly, and a couple of Humpback Whales also did a disappearing act. It's hard to image such a large animal can be evasive, but it is a big ocean! A few Dall's Porpoise have finally reappeared, and there's a report of Grey Whale spotted off Saltery Bay.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

Transient Orca
October 5, 2012
Jen, Campbell River Whale Watching

Transient (Bigg's)Killer Whales

October 6:
5 pm 3 or 4 Orca were spotted at the West end of Hole in the Wall. No direction given. Relayed message.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 6:
And when I got back to the dock (after the afternoon tour) I learned that one of our boats encountered 3-4 transients including one male, northbound at the west end of hole in the wall around 5pm.
Aaron Nagler, Sonora Lodge

October 5:
2:40 pm 4 to 5 Transient Orca by Hidden Basin, Campbell River headed towards Cape Mudge on the Quadra Island shore.
Ritchie Rich, Campbell River

October 5:
2:45 pm At least 5 Transient Orca Northbound now off Cape Mudge.
3:51 pm Looks like 2 groups of Transients, 1 group is all small fins.

October 5:
4:30 pm I saw those Orca – all small fins. Last seen just before the flood began by Race Point still Northbound.
Aaron Nagler, Sonora Lodge

October 5:
4:30 (or so) pm 5 Transient Orca, all small fins...probably at Race point by now. Pretty Cool!!
Jen, Campbell River Whale Watching

October 5:
4:50 pm Left the 5 Transient Orca, all small fins, just past the mill in Campbell River.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

Transient Orca
October 5, 2012
Jen, Campbell River Whale Watching

Pacific White Sided Dolphins

October 6:
8:25 am 4 to 5 PWS Dolphins just off Cape Mudge village.
10 am Had 60 PWS Dolphins Easting at Fawn Bluff, Bute Inlet, and the same group zig zagging at Clipper Point, Bute Inlet at 3 pm
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 6:
8:25 am Large group of PWS Dolphins in Frederick Arm.

October 6:
11:28 am 65+ PWS Dolphins come up the East side of Texada heading around Coho Point (the NW tip of Texada) looking like they were going to continue down the West side of Texada, but turned and ran at high speed past Rebecca Rocks (in front of Powell River), past us fishing off the end of Harwood Island and continued, still at high speed towards Savary Island. There was one lone Dolphin at the back of the pack which seemed to have trouble keeping up and even breathing....possibly being chased by Orca??
Steve Grover, Powell River

Pacific White Sided Dolphins
October 6, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 6:
12:15 pm 500 – 1000 PWS Dolphins in Frederick Arm. They were very playful. Some split off from the group and headed to Hall point, Nodales Channel and angled towards Phillips Arm.
Jos Krijnen, Eagle Eye Adventures

October 6:
1:09 pm I'm told there are between 500 to 1000 PWS Dolphins in Frederick Arm. Garry also had 75 at Fawn Bluff in Bute Inlet.
On the following Eco trip we had about 200 PWS Dolphins surfing and frolicking in the glassy smooth sunlit waters of Thurston bay.
Aaron Nagler, Sonora Lodge

October 6:
1:40 pm Blows off Hernando towards Twin islands – could be Orca, but most likely PWS Dolphins.
Cam M.

October 5:
12:06 pm 15 PWS Dolphins at Kanish Bay.
12:30 pm Large group of PWS Dolphins by Thurston Bay Marine Park.

October 5:
1 pm Couple of hundred PWS Dolphins in Nodales Channel.
Mark, Discovery Marine Safaris

October 4:
9:25 am 100 PWS Dolphins at McMullen Point.
Sharkey, Oak Bay Hurricane

October 4:
9:25 am 75 PWS Dolphins by Beazley Pass, Surge Narrows just foraging.
4:57 pm 300 PWS Dolphins by Greensea Bay, Chatham Point area, foraging.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 4:
12:25 pm Several hundred PWS Dolphins Easting by Harding Island, Nodales Channel.
(didn't catch who), Discovery Marine Safaris

October 4:
around 3:25 - 4:30 pm Left the PWS Dolphins at Howe Island heading into Discovery Passage. It was a Georgeous Day!! Tons of sea lions feeding in Innes Passage really amazing to watch!! We are so lucky here with the scenery and wildlife...And all the wintering waterfowl are starting to show up too!!
Jen, Campbell River Whale Watching

Pacific White Sided Dolphins
October 6, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

Humpback Whales

October 6:
1 pm Couple of Humpback Whales by Chatham Point Lightstation light. No direction.
Jos Krijnen, Eagle Eye Adventures

October 4:
3:30 pm A Humpback by Little Bear Bay angling towards Chatham Point Eastbound.
Commercial Fishing Vessels

Grey (or Gray) Whale

October 5:
3:15 pm At first we thought it was a log in the water, then the ferry captain announced that it was a grey whale. We were on the Earl's Cove – Saltery Bay Ferry and had just rounded Captain's Island. The whale just stayed on the surface while the ferry passed quite close. The whale didn't show a tail fluke, but did a bit of splashing with it's head. It looked all one colour, but the lighting was poor. (note: it's very unusual to see a Grey Whale in this area, and it is possible that this was actually a Humpback Whale lunge feeding based on verbal description of colour and head splash – SM)
Tony and Margaret Dawkins, Sechelt

Dall's Porpoise

October 6:
Day: I had 6 Dall's Porpoise at Arran Point then a nice female grizzly eating a chum at the Orford, Bute Inlet, followed by 6 more Dall's at Orford bay on the way home.
Aaron Nagler, Sonora Lodge

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cetacean Sightings: Orca, Humpback Whales and Dolphins

Sightings Reports include a few Transient Orca, a Humpback Whale and Pacific White Sided Dolphins. Orca bucked the trend by appearing two days in a row. With fewer people out on the water and walking beaches just looking at the ocean, as well as fewer summer tours, reports are shrinking, as usual, for the winter. The Cetaceans haven't been as co-operative in areas such as Powell River, where the complaint has been, “Where are they? Have the draggers made that much of a difference?” A reminder to all that Whales, Dolphins and Porpoise are still out there and your reports are all important. Keep looking!
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

Transient (Bigg's) Killer Whales

Transient (Bigg's) Orca
Nick Templeman, Campbell River, BC

October 3:
3:18 pm Possible Orca between Mary Point, Cortez Island and Twin Islands. This report was a second hand report in from Cam M. but could not be confirmed, although Jos, Eagle Eye Adventures did go to look for them, but could not locate any Orca.

October 2:
8:05 am Large gang of Transient Orca inbound off Cape Mudge. At red can buoy now – smokin' Northbound at about 6 – 8 knots. There's at least one very large male.
8:15 am They're really smokin' North – passing TsaKwaLuten Lodge (Cape Mudge village) already – nice way to start the day :) Although not confirmed, they had the look of T101's and T102's. 4 or 6 Transient Orca – pretty lumpy out there.
Nick Templeman

October 2:
8:43 am Orca in front of Campbell River Marina heading North at around 9 or 10 knots in the very sloppy chop – too rough to stay with them at all. (Note: no-one found them after that due to winds and seas - SM)
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

October 1:
5:45 pm Transient Orca at Viner Point, Read Island. Aaron on scene. 2 Orca for sure Southbound.
6:20 pm 4 Orca Viner Point heading towards Whale Passage. Couldn't stay too long due to winds and seas too rough.
Aaron Webber & Jack Springer, Campbell River Whale Watching

October 1:
6:21 pm 2 + Orca in Baker Pass angling towards the Copeland Islands.
Cam M.
Transient (Bigg's) Orca
Nick Templeman, Campbell River, BC

Humpback Whale

October 3:
8:45 (or so) am Radio call to Whale Watchers, but vessel in Plumper Bay did not say what was seen. Later on it became clear it was to report a Humpback Whale that was confirmed by Campbell River North of the Marina.

October 2:
8:58 am Possible Humpback Whale off Chatham Point Lightstation. Big blow spotted.

Pacific White Sided Dolphins

October 3:
12:25 pm Some PWS Dolphins foraging by Rock Bay.

October 2:
10 am Bunch of PWS Dolphins headed up the channel. Lost radio contact with Elvis on his Fishing Vessel, so couldn't find out whether it was up Nodales or Okisollo Channel and how many.

October 2:
2:11 pm 200 – 300 PWS Dolphins Eastbound into Okisollo Channel by Howe Island.
Jack Springer, Campbell River Whale Watching

October 1:
12:30 pm 150 or so PWS Dolphins by Kanish Bay.

Pacific White Sided Dolphins
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys