Have You Seen Any of These?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

NRKW's, Transient Killer Whales Plus

Orca everywhere! Northern Residents finally made an official appearance, with a new calf, in Johnstone Strait, Transients have been at Savary Island, down below Powell River and some, that are more frequently seen in Alaska made their way right through, chasing Pacific White Sided Dolphins, from their first ID point above Campbell River continuing West above Alert Bay. Humpback Whales have been spotted around the top of Johnstone Strait down to Helmcken Island a bit above Campbell River. Minke Whales and Dall's Porpoise round out the sightings reports.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

Transient Orca
Jessica Dohm

Northern Resident Orca – Killer Whales

July 25:
7:30 am The A30's just passed Cracroft Point, Johnstone Strait heading East in the fog.
Cracroft Lookout

July 25:
10 am the A30's Resident Orca easting by Naka Creek while the Transient Orca (T077 and T075B's) are between Stubbs and Donagal Head top of Blackfish
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

July 25:
We were fortunate to have a regular contributor, Tara Bladon, from Campbell River, and friends camping at Naka Creek giving some great fogbound Orca updates:
9:05 am Saw 2 Orca heading West about 10 minutes ago. They were closer to the other (Cracroft Island) shoreline. Looked like 2 but maybe 3.
9:30 am I can still hear the blows off in the distance! The water is like glass – fog here too, beautiful.
9:45 am 6 Orca here now...make that 10 or so! Heading East.
10:04 am 2 males; 2 groups one is 7 or 8 the other is 5 with no male; all heading East. Pretty close to shore – what a treat for us!!!
What a treat to be there for one night and to see the Orcas!
(the A36's had joined up with the A30's - SM)
Tara Bladon, Camping at Naka Creek

July 25:
2:13 pm A30's just South of Eve River (so called since it's close to Adam River – SM)
Aaron Webber, Campbell River Whale Watching

July 25:
5:30 pm Resident Orca in St. Vincent Bight.
Nick Templeman, Eagle Eye Adventures

July 24:
9:14 am 2 Orcas near Bear Bight – no direction. Sounds like the A36 brothers.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

July 24:
10:23 am A36's Easting by Ripple Point.
Nick Templeman, Eagle Eye Adventures

July 24:
11:46 am Looks like the A36's are still Eastbound by Nodales Channel.
Jack Springer, Campbell River Whale Watching

July 24:
2:50 pm A30's in Blackfish Sound Eastbound by Bold Head. Total of 11 Orca.
Jim Borrowman, Orcella Expeditions

July 24:
5 pm A30's foraging by Stubbs Island. A75 has a New Calf – she's a pretty young Mom! They may be headed down Weynton Pass. (note: they did, but weren't found till close to Cracroft Point down Johnstone Strait – SM)
Jared Towers

July 24:
6 pm A36's were Westing at Davis Point Nodales Channel
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

July 24:
7:02 pm A30's just eastbound by Cracroft Point.
7:45 pm Now just off the Sophia Islets heading towards Boat Bay.
Jeff, Lukwa

Pacific White Sided Dolphins
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

Transient Orca – Bigg's Killer Whales

July 25:
10 am the A30's Resident Orca easting by Naka Creek while the 6 Transient Orca (T077 and T075B's) are between Stubbs and Donagal Head top of Blackfish Sound
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

July 25:
6 pm I spotted from Savary two male Orcas about 2 km E of Grant Reefs Bouy going roughly east at 6 pm today (Wednesday). I did not see them surface
many times before they did the disappearing act.
Ron Johnston, Savary Island

July 24:
11:45 am Orca chasing PWS Dolphins westbound off the SW end of Savary Island, just above Grant's Reef angling towards Mitlenatch Island. Lots of huge chasing leaps and splashes!
Dee Ingraham, Savary Island

July 24:
1:24 pm Orca and Dolphins by the Tyee Pool in front of Campbell River
Scotty, Painter's Lodge

July 24:
1:54 pm 6 Transients Northbound by Pulp Mill in Campbell River. Trying to get a PWS Dolphin right at the Argonaut wharf jumping 20 feet in the air he (tug Inlet Ranger) said. T's went West by Chatham Identified as ones that frequent Alaskan waters, T077 and T075B gangs. They were moving quickly up Johnstone Strait. Don't know what happened to the PWS Dolphins ahead of them....I'd guess they took Nodales Ch.
Nick Templeman, Eagle Eye Adventures

July 24:
6:08 pm Just left the 6 Transient Orca Westbound by Chatham Point. They took something by Howe Island, not sure what, but were circling and sharing something. Lots of gulls picking up scraps.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

July 24:
7:40 pm 4 Orca Northbound by Armour Road, close to Myrtle Rocks, Powell River.
8:30 pm Orca were splashing around – looks like feeding. Now they're headed Southwards.
Nina Falls, Powell River

July 24th:
what a lovely sight, one large male orca, two females and a very small calf from around 9 p.m. until it was too dark to see. they seemed to be feeding and at times the large orca would appear straight out of the water and then descend once again. they were about 1 to 2 km off albion pt (black point) south of powell river. so calm we could hear the blows. seemingly the seals knew they were there and hugged the shore. the 3 yr old grand daughter enjoyed the show even without binoculars and we were pleased that the 6 yr old, also visiting from alberta, was able to experience this awesome sight.
Laura Johnson (donkersley beach), Powell River

Pacific White Sided Dolphins

July 25:
8:50 am PWS Dolphins at Horn Point, not sure of number or direction, if any.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

July 24:
2:30 pm 150 PWS Dolphins by McMullen Point heading North fast away from the Transients.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

July 24:
1pm The Dolphins were coming out of Nodales at that point. Re: A36's poss turn
Nick Templeman, Eagle Eye Adventures

July 24:
Group(20)  of WSD in Browns Bay about 2:20pm.  

Jacquie-Summer Resident Brown's Bay.
Folks here in the park said it was more like 50 WSD.  so between 25-50 is a better number.  I was in the marina and it is lower elevation and they were in the park and it is higher and thus a better view. 
Jacquie Nevinger, Campbell River

July 23:
11:30 am 120 – 150 PWS Dolphins in Nodales Channel, by Hall Point foraging.
Nick Templeman, Eagle Eye Adventures

Humpback Whales
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

Humpback Whales

July 25:
5:10 pm couple of Humpback Whales around Weynton Pass and ?? (apologies, details never got noted – SM)

July 25:
5:30 pm 2 Humpback Whales heading East at Helmcken Island.
6:14 pm They had turned and we left them heading West at Earl's Ledge
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys

July 25:
5:30 pm 2 2 Humpback Whales 'Stripe' and another by Helmcken Island
Nick Templeman, Eagle Eye Adventures

July 24:
9 am Humpback Whale by Stubbs Island

July 23:
11 am Humpback Whale, think maybe it was 'Arial' was Northbound by Kanish Bay.
Nick Templeman, Eagle Eye Adventures

Minke Whales

July 24:
9 am Just out of Alert Bay, we spotted a Minke Whale.
Dave Towers, Seasmoke Tours

July 24:
5:15 pm 3 Minke Whales one in Pearse Pass the other two at the bottom of the Pass.
Jared Towers

Dall's Porpoise

July 24:
9 am Just coming out of Alert Bay, some Dall's Porpoise were bowriding.
Dave Towers, Seasmoke Tours