We are thrilled to hear about yet another new calf for the Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales. And J53 is such a cutie too! Our report covers a number of days including the Southern Residents, Northern Resident Orca, Transient Bigg's, Humpback Whales, Dolphins and Porpoise. NEW Sightings Report Form
Susan MacKay, Whales
and Dolphins BC
Society News:
We have continued to work hard behind the scenes which has caused a few delays in getting the report out in a timely manner, but the improvements are significant. We will give a complete run down in the next Update. If you were one of the people who did not receive the notice of the last Sightings Update Issue 2015-038, we do apologize and hope that we have resolved some of our growing pains as we transition to use our Wild Ocean Whale Society as our main contact email address for Sightings, both incoming and outgoing to you.
Our NEW Sightings Report Form is both mobile and internet friendly with drop down options to make it easier for you to report while giving us important information. Please feel free to add comments about what you see, we love to hear, as do other subscribers.
Our NEW Sightings Report Form is both mobile and internet friendly with drop down options to make it easier for you to report while giving us important information. Please feel free to add comments about what you see, we love to hear, as do other subscribers.
For our DONATE page click here
Have you seen a whale, dolphin or porpoise?
We are the non-profit Wild Ocean Whale Society
New Calf for Southern Resident Orca - Welcome J53
Center for Whale Research
New Calf for Southern Resident Orca - Welcome J53
Center for Whale Research
Mon Oct 19 2015
17:24 • 4 Bigg`s Orca off Separation Head on Quadra Island in Discovery Passage. One male in the pod as one big fin was sighted.

Jack Springer, Campbell River Whale Watching
16:30 • 3 Bigg`s Orca heading towards Atrevida Reef in Strait of Georgia. There was one male and two females. They were observed at 4:30pm.

Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins B.C.
Transient Bigg' s Killer Whales
Mon Oct 19 2015 - 4 Images / Media Files
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins B.C.
Transient Bigg' s Killer Whales
Mon Oct 19 2015 - 4 Images / Media Files
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins B.C.
16:20 • Bigg`s Orca in front of Powell River, Malaspina Strait.

Michelle Pennell, Powell River
Transient Bigg' s Killer Whales
Mon Oct 19 2015 - 3 Images / Media Files
Michelle Pennell, Powell River
Transient Bigg' s Killer Whales
Mon Oct 19 2015 - 3 Images / Media Files
Michelle Pennell, Powell River
15:42 • 2 Bigg`s Orca heading North between Powell River and Blubber Bay in the middle of Malaspina Strait. I've only seen two females so far.

Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins B.C.
Thu Oct 22 2015
John Lewis, Discovery Marine Safaris
15:04 • 20 SRKW Orca heading South at the mouth of the Campbell River, Discovery Passage. ▫ Observed from Shore

Ed Sharkey, Painter's Lodge
Geord Dunstan, Discovery Marine Safaris
Tue Oct 20 2015
12:12 • SRKW Orca by Separation Head, Deepwater Bay area Discovery Passage. Tons of Orca jumping out of water putting on quite a show.

Radio, overheard or call out
Bill Kennedy, Campbell River
Jack Springer, Campbell River Whale Watching
Sun Oct 18 2015
Ed Sharkey, Painter's Lodge
14:14 • 12 SRKW Orca foraging, off Sentry Shoal. Orca foraging off Sentry Shoal. They are not travelling in a set direction. An accurate count was not given as the Orca are spread out. ▫ Leaving the Scene

13:46 • SRKW Orca heading North SE of Sentry Shoal pointed towards Mitlenatch Island in Georgia Strait. ▫ On Scene

Roger McDonnell, Stubbs Island Whale Watching
09:18 • 36-48 SRKW Orca spread out between Vivian Island and Cape Lazo in Georgia Strait. ◦K-pod and L-pod◦ Great Show!.

Bill Coltart, Pacific Pro Dive
08:05 • SRKW Orca heading Unknown Direction between Mitlenatch Island and Red Can in Georgia Strait. ▫ Radio Report

Jack Springer, Campbell River Whale Watching
Humpback Whales Breathing
Jude Abrams & Terry L Brown, Powell River
Humpback Whales Breathing
Jude Abrams & Terry L Brown, Powell River
Tue Oct 27 2015
11:30 • 1 Humpback Whale travelling, heading South near Gower Point, Gibsons, Georgia Strait. I was heading to Secret Cove on my sailboat when I witnessed this large blackish whale travelling South. The curved back and the dorsal fin were distinctive. ▫ On Scene

George Irish, Roberts Creek
Sun Oct 25 2015
18:50 • 2 Humpback Whale heading North by McMullen Point, Discovery Passage. The whales were running very close to the gillnetters, but were managing to miss the nets.

Elvis Chikite, Eagle Eye Adventures
Joel Ulmer, Lund
Sat Oct 24 2015
16:16 • 1 Humpback Whale off the West tip of Texada Island, Georgia Strait.

Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins B.C.
Humpback Whales
Sat Oct 24 2015 - 6 Images / Media Files
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins B.C.
Humpback Whales
Sat Oct 24 2015 - 6 Images / Media Files
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins B.C.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins B.C.
Fri Oct 23 2015
17:52 • 4 Humpback Whale milling, between Rebecca Rock and Harwood Island, Georgia Strait. They've been there for the past hour or so. ▫ Observed from Shore

Sherri Wretham, Powell River, BC
15:45 • 2 Humpback Whale between Vivian Island and Rebecca Rock, Georgia Strait. Blows are lit up. ▫ Observed from Shore

Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins B.C.
14:31 • 1 Humpback Whale heading into Blubber Bay from Cyril Rock, Algerine Passage. Pointed right at the ferry dock. Lifted its tail but in the sun so didn't get a good look, and we were just cruising by slowly.

Jay Feaver, Powell River, CCG
Tue Oct 20 2015
15:27 • 1 Humpback Whale off Ripple Point, Johnstone Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
Bill Kennedy, Campbell River
Mon Oct 19 2015
Jack Springer, Campbell River Whale Watching
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins B.C.
12:56 • 2 Humpback Whale doing circles, heading South off Miracle Beach Park in Strait of Georgia. They were travelling slowly. ▫ Observed from Shore

Leif Nordman, Campbell River Whale Watching
12:00 • 2 Humpback Whale travelling, heading North in front of Powell River in Malaspina Strait. I believe they were Humpbacks, not hundred % sure. I took a few photos but maybe too far away. I will email if any came out. ▫ Observed from Shore

Michelle Pennell, Powell River
Humpback Whales
Mon Oct 19 2015 - 8 Images / Media Files
Michelle Pennell, Powell River
Humpback Whales
Mon Oct 19 2015 - 8 Images / Media Files
Michelle Pennell, Powell River
Sun Oct 18 2015
Radio, overheard or call out
11:51 • 1 Humpback Whale heading South off Shelter Point in Georgia Strait. Travelling slowly and about 100 m offshore.

Leigh Nelson, Adventure Quest Tours
Fri Oct 16 2015
13:00 • 2 Humpback Whale breaching, by Vanguard Bay and Hummingbird Cove at the mouth of Jervis Inlet. 2 humpback whales traveled E from the mouth of Jervis Inlet, past Hummingbird Cove, across to Nelson Island where they breached, tail lobbed, fluked and fin slapped. They continued up the Inlet past Vanguard Bay. At sunset they circled around from Vanguard Bay out towards the mouth of Jervis Inlet and came in towards Hummingbird Cove at 10pm. It sounded like they were hunting but it was too dark to see. There might have been sea lions with them. These same 2 whales have been hanging around this area for weeks according to local residents. We sighted them again Oct. 17 traveling the same circular route accompanied by sea lions.They appeared to be feeding at the surface; swirling in tight circles on their sides with tail flukes in the air while sea lions leaped around them. An outrigger canoe that had paddled out from Hummingbird Cove was closest to them. ▫ Observed from Shore

Jude Abrams & Terry L Brown, Powell River
Sun Oct 25 2015
12:50 • 10 PWS Dolphins foraging, between Grief Point and the Viewpoint Powell River, Malaspina Strait.

Liz and Ted Douglas, Powell River
12:30 • 8 PWS Dolphins doing circles, heading South near the Viewpoint, Powell River. They seemed to swim north then south a bit and also in a circle, looked like the same guys as yesterday. ▫ Observed from Shore

Michelle Pennell , Powell River
12:23 • PWS Dolphins heading South in front of Powell River, Malaspina Strait. They're in front again.

Michelle Pennell, Powell River
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
Sun Oct 25 2015 - 2 Images / Media Files
Michelle Pennell, Powell River
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
Sun Oct 25 2015 - 2 Images / Media Files
Michelle Pennell, Powell River
Elvis Chikite, Eagle Eye Adventures
Sat Oct 24 2015
16:30 • 8-12 PWS Dolphins zig zagging, heading South just South of the Viewpoint in Powell River, Malaspina Strait. They seemed to me maybe fishing, not heading directly south. I will try to email some pictures. I believe Dolphins of some sort. ▫ Observed from Shore

Michelle Pennell, Powell River
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
Sat Oct 24 2015 - 5 Images / Media Files
Michelle Pennell, Powell River
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
Sat Oct 24 2015 - 5 Images / Media Files
Michelle Pennell, Powell River
Tue Oct 20 2015
11:00 • 3 PWS Dolphins milling, heading South off the lookout by Powell River, Malaspina Strait. I am not quite sure if there were three of them and if they are Dolphins. I was near the lookout point Powell River. I will try to email a photo. ▫ Observed from Shore

Michelle Pennell , Powell .River
Sun Oct 18 2015
Bill Coltart, Pacific Pro Dive
Thu Oct 22 2015
18:25 • Other Porpoise off Roberts Creek, Georgia Strait. 2 different pods of porpoise passed through Roberts creek today.
One with small dorsal fins and one pod with larger darker ones.

Brandi Mladenich, Roberts Creek
Surprise Orca Sighting in Parking Lot!
Sat Oct 24 2015
Bill Coltart, Pacific Pro Dive
Fri Oct 23 2015
15:32 • 1 Other Species on the South side of Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait. One of my divemasters just spotted a Sea Otter on south side of Mittlenatch.

Bill Coltart, Pacific Pro Dive
For our DONATE page click here
Have you seen a whale, dolphin or porpoise?
We are the non-profit Wild Ocean Whale Society